We are getting ready to roll out the red carpet for the 2021 Capture the Cosmos online Awards Ceremony and it’s time to register to be there on the night of nights! Scheduled for 7pm Saturday 27th of November.

Follow this link to register for the free zoom event where the winners of the 2021 Capture the Cosmos Astrophotography will be announced.
Join our special guests and entrants for this night of nights. Invite family and friends to be a part of this special evening. We will hear from one of our esteemed judges Brad Le Brocque, who will give us insights on the judges decisions and we will unveil the winners from this year’s stunning entries of brilliant night skies!
Date & Time: 7pm Saturday 27th November.
Where: Zoom online event
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkceCrqT0iEtXGNfRtHjBHC4I6fVkj2HkL
#astrophotography #warrumbungles #capturethecosmos #awardsnight